
Bhub: redesign di un digital asset manager

✦ Master UX design | Talent Garden

✦ Analisi euristica | benchmark

✦ Prototipo hi-fi

3-days challenge: Cerved X Adecco

✦ Master UX Design | Talent Garden

✦ Team cross-funzionale: UX + digital marketing

✦ Obiettivo: Gen Z su Adecco

Il portale dell'automobilista

✦ Analisi UX/UI dettagliata

✦ User persona | journey map

✦ Wireframing | hi-fi prototyping | interaction design

Daily UIs

✦ My participation to the well known online challenge.

A Gaming UX/UI Design Exercise

✦ Focus on: interactions, user engagement, and brand identity

Nike Book & Hoop: App Design Process

✦ UX research

✦ Ideation

A Design Sprint Case Study

✦ 5-Days Mindfulness app re-design

✦ Goal: Increase downloads & user retention

✦ 72% would pay for it

Improving a Dashboard's Usability

✦ Easing the cognitive load

✦ Establishing hierarchy

✦ Naming things properly

My Experience at InfoCamere

✦ Solving a problem of poor data visualization

✦ Doing UX research for a web app now used by 2.2 mln people

✦ Conveying affordance through a design system

© 2024 Luigi Andrea Cotini